AI Think Power - Protection Services
Life Protection | Evidence Protection | Documents Protection
Protection from all kind of threat, is one of the main service of AI Think Power. We provide dedicated team for each case to protect Life, Evidence, Witness, Confidential & Important Document etc….
Expers from various fields, deeply study the case and provide well disciplined, trained, armed security in form of secret and hidden team; like friend, class or office mate, driver, body guard, etc.., Our personnel are well trained and expert in firearm tactics, physical combat, emergency driving, First aid treatment etc…, and are well and trained in protecting the client for 24 hours.
Our 24 Hours x 365 days operational Central Control Room backed with AI and Latest Innovative Technology, closely monitors all activities of client(s), friends, relatives enemies, routine life, Food, Drink, Consumables, Visitors, Meetings, Calls, Messages, Social Media. etc…. and surrounding situations and protects you from the upcoming threats.
We never advertise our client name or business, thus your business information / identity always remain confidential !